article emarketing photography twitter

the Golden Ratio rule, Applied on Twitter

As a photographer, I know and use the rule of third. but I may admit I never seen before a so easy-to-understand application of the golden ratio this Article on Petapixel contains several interesting links to the golden ratio rule, and how it could impact and improve your web site design. Have a good reading…and […]

article ecommerce emarketing .. Usual story of the small player policy, short-term and unflexible…

I was mentionning OpenCandy in a post a few hours ago about some providers to make money from your traffic Actually I have register just after the blog post, because I know the company by reputation, and from other publishers feedback. Actually, indeed, I don’t have the VSO-Software huge traffic which was letting me receive […]

article ecommerce emarketing

Reading list for marketers – Stanford SMM 2010 + mine

I was luckly to participate to the Strategic marketing management class in Stanford GSB in 2010. and from this program I discovered a lot of references from various books. Because a lot of participants were interesting in such reading information, a reading list has been compiled by Stanford faculties. In the same time, I m […]

article emarketing

How to chose your affiliate’s commission ?

I have worked for several years for VSO-Software, and also for some other software publishers before this one. Affiliation is a popular way to get efficient promotion and additionnal sales. A web site, a forum, a blog, a catalog is listing your products or services, and if a sale of your product is completed after a user clicked on the affiliate’s web site, they receive a commission on the sales completed.

What are the big question to consider if you are interested in this model ? First of all, you need to use a paiment service or a affiliate’s network compatible with your own paiment provider. The 2 most popular service for software publishers ( One of the most active and profitable affiliate market ) are RegNow from Digital River, and Avangate. If you are not selling a software, please contact me, I could give you some other network fitting your …